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Ad ID: 113421-56680 Posted on 1-Feb-2010 Expires on 15-Mar-2010

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    Posted by: konu
    Phone: 9624043079
    Location: ahemdabad Indiana
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    Position Title:earn up to
    Education Level:High School Diploma
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    Earn up to Rs. 40,000 per month through simple online copy/paste work.100% Legitimate, Genuine & Scam Free Online Copy/Paste Jobs. Work at Home in your spare time. ID- sp1234d141 -No work load, No Time Limit. Submit the work in your convenient time. -You can work anytime from your home. Get paid Rs. 1/- to Rs. 5/- per copy/paste. Please email us at sp1234d141@gmail.com or visit www.dataentrygujarat.com for more details. Work as much as you can. Work available worldwide. Hurry Up! Limited seats available. Candidate should have basic knowledge of computer

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